News at Williams & Martin
Fun Time!

Christmas officially kicked off for WMS with the annual WMS Trades Party in Cornwall! What’s become somewhat of a tradition for the Cornwall office a few beers with friends followed by a carvery, fantastic pudding, live band and yes, a few more beers :-) rounded off a brilliant evening! Well done one and all!

Williams and Martin, recognised for delivering quality painting contracts in Cornwall and the West Country since the 80’s continue to deliver the goods!
Here are some examples of recent works, I think you’ll agree the results are fantastic!
#yourtrustedcontractor #qualitynotquantity #workwithus #partners #collaborativeworking
Case Studies
Helston Community College

Williams and Martin were thrilled to land the prestigious new build Helston Community College internal decoration package some 8 months ago.
School Redecoration Case Study

This years schools summer Holiday saw Williams & Martin yet again ramp up to the Challenge set by Interserve to complete redecoration works to 17 schools in Mid Cornwall .